Money2020 USA 2023
Money 20/20 USA
27-30 October

Hello fabulous Las Vegas! Let's meet at Money20/20

Experience the ultimate fintech event at Money 20/20, where financial experts gather to uncover groundbreaking trends, forge valuable connections, and delve into the cutting-edge technologies shaping the financial industry. Join us and let's connect at this exciting event!

Key Topics

Digital Transformation

Embrace a full digital transformation that integrates seamlessly with your core banking. 

Omnichannel Experience

Deliver a consistent and seamless experience across multiple channels within one single platform. 


Ensure secure transactions with strong multi-factor and biometric authentication and prevent security breaches.

Open Banking

Easily share data with third-party providers and offer more accurate and customer-oriented services.

Meet the team

Renato Oliveira


Born to lead.

João Pinto

Board Member

The decision maker.

Alexandre Viana

Board Member

An expert in optimizing a solution.

Pedro Leite

Head of Sales and Partnerships

The man to talk to.

Paul Provenzano

VP of Market Development

A lead magnet.

Money20/20 USA 2023
Unleashing the power of fintech