Money20/20 Amsterdam
4-6 June

Hallo Amsterdam!
Join us at Money20/20

Ready for dazzling new ideas and showstopping customer journeys in banking, payments and beyond? ebankIT is thrilled to be back at Money 20/20 Europe 2024 to provide insights and cutting-edge solutions that will aid banks and credit unions in their digital transformation. Meet our team in Amsterdam from June 4th to 6th and discover how you can get ahead of the competition.

Key Topics

Digital transformation
Human-Machine Collaboration

Elevate your customer interactions by integrating artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies. Infuse a personal element into your digital platforms while boosting efficiency.

Open Banking

Offer a wide catalog of third-party innovations, connecting them with non-financial services and further assisting your account holders in their professional and personal financial growth.

Identity & Verification

Discover how ebankIT can elevate your customer engagement by delivering an unparalleled, highly personalized experience through our innovative campaign tool using date-analytics and low code tools.

Identity & Verification

Provide your clients with the perfect balance between safeguarding their finances and enhancing user experience with rapid identification solutions such as biometrics and two-factor authentication.

Meet the team

Pedro Leite

Head of Sales

A customer-centric guru shaping lasting partnerships

Dirk Emminger

VP Europe Sales

A sales virtuoso turning leads into loyal partners

Sofia Augusto

Field Marketing Manager

A regional strategist blazing a targeted trail to success

Money20/20 Europe 2024
Unveiling the next era of Europe's money ecosystem